Reclaim your Sovereignty

End Self-Sabotage and Start Living Into Your Full Potential

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Your principles of liberty are also your guide to a better life


I've found the most effective way to live a more peaceful, fulfilling, and joyful life is to honor your own sovereignty.

Most of us think to apply this at a political or societal level, but don't know how to implement this at a personal level.

It requires a deep knowledge of self, solid guiding principles, and the fortitude to act accordingly. This is the framework I teach in my programs.


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Read my story  ➝

After ten years working in activism, my mission is to help principled, mission-driven people gain more peace, ease, and fulfillment in their lives.

Mentoring hundreds of activists over the years and my own personal development journey have taught me that the foundation of a well-lived life starts from the inside-out.

Failing out of college, battling depression, anxiety, and autoimmune symptoms started me on a very western, material path of self-healing, starting with a focus on health and fitness. I became a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and made a lot of progress with all of my obstacles. But it only got me so far...

I came to a plateau at work and with my personal relationships, knowing that I was capable of more.  More income, a life partner, higher physical fitness, bigger projects at work. But I had implemented all the nutrition and health knowledge I could.

Desperate, this lead me to pursue the realms of the mind and spirit. I took courses, read books, hired coaches, all trying to find an answer to why my life didn't look the way I felt it should. Exploring modalities like partswork, somatics, and attachment theory, I learned that without a solid map to navigate relationships with others and myself, nutrition and fitness can only go so far.

Integrating this wisdom into my life allowed me to get my dream job in activism, hit a six-figure income, and marry the love of my life.

I've found that learning to act from a place of Self-knowledge and sovereignty is a never-ending process, but so rewarding with every step.

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